Balanced Prose -- What does that mean?

Writing is hard work. Or let me rephrase that -- Good writing is hard work. By "good," I mean the kind of writing that effectively communicates your message to your audience to successfully achieve your purpose.

Of course, there are times and situations where it is perfectly feasible to dash off a quick email or short memo that gets the job done, and many of us are familiar with the last minute essay. 

But what if you want to do more than "get the job done"? What if what you are writing carries weight, be it in grades or in potential cost or opportunity? It's situations like those that require intention in planning, drafting, and revising to ensure it is "good".

It is in those moments that you are striving for balanced prose.

Balanced prose is communication that strikes the right chord between ideas and expression. To your readers, it flows smoothly so that they are unaware that they are being carried along. They are free to engage with your ideas because the words are so well balanced that the ideas come out effortlessly.

To you, the writer, balanced prose is the fruit of your labours. It is the well-crafted structure that guides your readers through your thinking. It's the well-chosen language and the concise, clear expression that conveys your ideas and your purpose, and presents your argument and lines of thinking to your reader. It's the result of planning, intentional writing, and careful revision.

Whether you are writing in the workplace, in an academic setting, or in a creative one, the goal is the same: how do you engage your readers to listen to your ideas? Most of us write in one capacity or another. We all have skills, but sometimes, our skills aren't quite up to the task, especially if you find yourself writing in an unfamiliar context.

That's when you need a coach--someone to ask questions, provide guidance, offer suggestions. A writing coach can help you travel that road towards balanced prose until you become your own best coach.

If it sounds like something you are interested in, visit me at to set up a free initial consultation. We can chat about your projects, your needs, and the best way I can support you.


  1. Lynda Veeneman3 May 2018 at 19:56

    Hi Candice,
    As a student who has already benefited from your skills and knowledge in such a short time, I must say what an amazing gift you have. I love your open communication style, your feedback is always clear and meaningful and I have learned so much. Thank you.
    p.s. I LOVE your website...amazing.


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